Chapter Five:
"Parsons" is the fifth in the critically-acclaimed Fairfield History Series. It uncovers the truth behind the unprecedented growth and sudden demise of Parsons College through accounts from past students, faculty members and educational leaders.
The film’s historical research team has uncovered what was really behind Parsons’ rapid growth in the 60’s from 350 to over 5,000 students. Archival footage and photos along with an amazing soundtrack bring to life the first-hand accounts of what really happened at Parsons College and what caused its tragic closing in 1973.
Producer & Director
Dick DeAngelis

Sound Editor
Tim Britton
DP & Film Editor
Jason Strong
Research Director
Lawrence Eyre

Behind the Scenes

DP/Film Editor Jason Strong helps setup lighting for the prayer re-enactment.

Cinematographer Cody Olivas sets up camera gear.

Filmed inside the newly named "Banks Field" on the University of Iowa Sports Complex.

DP/Film Editor Jason Strong helps setup lighting for the prayer re-enactment.
See some of our favorite moments while researching and filming this movie.
John Launius
Lawrence Eyre
Melanie Carlson
Lee Muntz
Edith Jordan
Betty Perkins
Vera Young
Ida Nakashima Schneck
John Blackstock
Dave Hetzler
Martha Flinspach
Larry Litwin
Robert Fox
Martha Rasmussen
Dan Breen
Kay Ferguson
Andrew Jugle
William "Biff"Kummer
Ray Ham
Carol Atkins
Dr. Robert Tree
Laura Crossett
Al Arends
Dick Nelson
Duane Banks
Cindy Thompson Albers
Bill Atkins
Joe Hunt
Jane Hunt
Rhine McLin
Duncan Wall
Pete Nelson
Carol Highsmith
Mike Brouwer
Andre Erramouspe
Historical Contributors
John Blackstock
John Braidwood
Joy Craig
Kay Ferguson
Melanie Carlson
Rory Goff
Andy Hallman
Biff Kummer
John Launius
Art McBreen
Alecs Mickunas
Lawrence Eyre
Dave Neff
Jake Schmidt
Mark Shafer
Nancy Wirtanen
Charlotte Wright
Fairfield Media Center
Everybody’s Whole Foods
John Blackstock
John Braidwood
George Connell
John, Kirstin and Christine DeAngelis
Dieken Family Foundation
Ferguson Leaders Unlimited
Steve & Sally Johnston
William Kummer
Robert T. Montgomery
Dave & Sherri Neff
Jack Oswald Jr.
Martha Rasmussen
Duncan Wall
Kip Walsh
Nancy Wirtanen
Gary Yates
American Rescue Plan Arts Grant
City of Fairfield - LOST Fund
Greater Jefferson County Foundation
Humanities Iowa
Iowa Arts Council Humanities Partnership Grant
Sterling Foundation